Applied Kinesiology
Basic Course in Italy

1° Weekend
27-28 January 2024

2° Weekend
17-18 February 2024

3° Weekend
9-10 March 2024

4° Weekend
13-14 April 2024


c/o AC HOTEL MILANO by Marriott

Via Tazzoli 2, (Stazione Garibaldi), 20154 Milano

visit the Hotel's website

Why is it important to attend seminars?

The purpose of these introductory seminars is to assist all participants in following a logical framework, through which to discover the cause of the disorder (structural, biochemical, and psycho-emotional)using Applied KinesiologyThis framework enables suggesting the direction to follow in corrective therapy for the patient..


Dr. James Townhill

D.C., D.I.B.A.K.


Dr. Alan Jenks
D.C., D.I.B.A.K


Dr. James Townhill, D.C., D.I.B.A.K. Following an injury sustained 25 years ago while playing rugby, Dr. Townhill sought the care of a Doctor of Chiropractic. Pleased with the results obtained through such treatments, he decided to pursue studies in Applied Kinesiology. He embarked on this journey in 2007 and obtained his D.I.B.A.K. in 2013.

He is registered as a teacher at the International College of Applied Kinesiology. For some time, he has been involved in providing training courses targeting chiropractors, osteopaths, physiotherapists, and medical professionals in general.

Dr. Townhill has revealed that the primary purpose of his studies and work is to find the most suitable and effective treatments, especially in more complex cases. Furthermore, he collaborates with various athletes and sports professionals to enhance physical conditions and performance. A distinctive aspect of his work is also within the field of equestrianism, where he conducts courses for jockeys to aid and improve coordination with the animals. Dr. Townhill receives patients at his studio located in the Netherlands.

Dr. Alan Jenks, chiropractor, graduated from the International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK) and holds a diploma from the Clinical Nutrition Chiropractic Commission.

He earned his degree in Kinesiology Science from Simon Fraser University. Dr. Jenks has practiced his profession in various countries, including Portland, USA, Maasdijk, Netherlands, and is currently located in British Columbia, Canada.

Currently serving as the President of the International Board of Examiners for ICAK (International College of Applied Kinesiology), Jenks teaches globally. In 2017, he brought his expertise to Italy, achieving tremendous success. Finally, after many years, he returns to our country.

Attendance to the course assumes a prior understanding of the fundamentals of musculoskeletal anatomy and physiology..

What is Applied Kinesiology?

Applied Kinesiology (AK) is an interdisciplinary diagnostic and therapeutic approach that allows for the assessment and treatment of imbalances in the body at structural, biochemical, and mental levels through the analysis of muscle response mediated by an appropriate stimulus. It is characterized by the use, alongside standard diagnostic methods, of posture and gait analysis, range of motion assessment, and static and dynamic palpation.

In 1964, Dr. George Goodheart, D.C., introduced the use of manual muscle testing for evaluating body functions through neuromuscular pathways. Placed in the right perspective, Applied Kinesiology is a valuable tool for assessing the impact that a variety of endogenous and exogenous stimuli have on the nervous system. It truly adds a new dimension to diagnosis, especially concerning functional issues: not only to understand complex functional symptoms but also to distinguish functional factors from pathological ones when a pathology has already developed.

For this reason, Applied Kinesiology should be a fundamental tool and a common language used by every professional involved in the art of healing, such as chiropractors, dentists, osteopaths, medical surgeons, naturopaths.

The course will be presented by the speakers in English 

with consecutive translation into Italian

Program and Schedule of the Course

The course lasts for 50 hours, divided into 4 seminars on the following days and times:




Saturday 13:00-19:00;

Sunday 9:00-15:00

Program Details

First Weekend: 27-28 January, 2024

  • History and Introduction of Applied Kinesiology.
  • The Health Triad.
  • Introduction to Basic Diagnosis in Applied Kinesiology.
  • The five factors of the intervertebral foramen.
  • Muscle-organ/gland association.
  • Applied Kinesiology as a holistic system of analysis and treatments.
  • Different conditions of muscle tone: strong, weak, and hyper-facilitated.
  • Practice of the correct execution of muscle tests.
  • Fundamentals of the correct execution of muscle tests.
  • Therapeutic Localization (TL): hand usage.
  • The challenge: definition, design criteria, and usage.
  • Fixation models vs subluxation model.
  • Lovett reactors, Introduction to the Systemic to Local concept.
  • Injury Recall Technique.
  • The 5 factors - (Craniosacral Movement) Posture Analysis and Pelvic Categories I, II, III.
  • Testing of the major muscles of the lower limbs of kinesiological interest.

Second Weekend: 17-18 February 2024

  • Testing of the major muscles of the trunk, upper limbs.
  • Reactive muscles.
  • The 5 Factors - (Craniosacral Movement) - Sacral inspiration/exhalation and sacral oscillation.
  • The 5 Factors - (Craniosacral Movement) - Pseudo cat II (P simf).
  • The 5 Factors - (Craniosacral Movement) - Introduction to cranial defects - inspiratory and expiratory assistance, inspiratory and expiratory SB assistance, parietal descent and temporal swelling, sutures.
  • The 5 Factors - Reflexes: neuro-lymphatic and neuro-vascular points.
  • The 5 Factors - Treatment of the vertebrae.

Third Weekend: 9-10 March 2024

  • Diaphragm.
  • Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Articulation.
  • Nutrition.
  • Anaerobic/aerobic.
  • Muscular Techniques."

Fourth Weekend: 13-14 April 2024

  • Functional therapy of meridians.
  • Nomenclature and function of meridians.
  • Location of acupuncture points on the 14 meridians and specific point therapies.
  • Warning points and problem location, and how to treat it.
  • Five Elements Theory in Acupuncture to identify the type of problem and treatment.
  • How to put everything together following a simple procedure useful for treating patients.
  • Review and conclude all muscle tests and practices.


Payment Solutions for Participation in the Entire Training Cycle, Including the 4 Weekends.

One-Time Solution

1500/4 Seminars

Purchase of 4 seminars in a 'One-Time Solution'

Installment Plan

425/per Seminars

Purchase of 4 seminars with 'Installment Payments'

Payment of each installment must be received before each seminar.


Registration is possible only for the entire series of 4 seminars and not for individual ones.

Purchase with Bank Transfer

The installment payment method involves a bank transfer before each respective seminar date.

Please specify in the reason for payment: 'CBKA SEMINAR (and include the seminar date).'

IBAN: IT82R0103001630000009732407

Account Holder:

Payable to Castello Editore S.a.s. Di Elisabetta Papandrea & C

or complete PDF Registration from the attachment and send e-mail to:



Payment Solutions Only for STUDENTS

One-Time Solution

900/4 Seminars

Purchase of 4 seminars in a 'One-Time Solution'

Installment Plan

325/per Seminars

Purchase of 4 seminars with 'Installment Payments'

Payment of each installment must be received before each seminar.


Registration is possible only for the entire series of 4 seminars and not for individual ones.

Purchase with Bank Transfer

The installment payment method involves a bank transfer before each respective seminar date.

Please specify in the reason for payment: 'CBKA SEMINAR (and include the seminar date).'

IBAN: IT82R0103001630000009732407

Account Holder:

Payable to Castello Editore S.a.s. Di Elisabetta Papandrea & C

or complete PDF Registration from the attachment and send e-mail to: