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Castello Editore

Goodheart 2000

Goodheart 2000

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Applied kinesiology and kinesiological medicine: news and developments
George Goodheart...

Conference held in Milan on 15-16 September 2000
(the volume of the Acts is also available in the original English edition)

Applied Kinesiology and Kinesiological Medicine:
news and developmentsGeorge Goodheart

Speakers and conference themes:

Dr. George Goodheart

  1. Latest news in Applied Kinesiology
  2. Myofascial jealousy
  3. Bennett reflexes revisited

Dr. Jeff Farkas

  1. • Dental outbreaks
  2. • Essential fats and neurological integrity

Dr. Christopher Astill-Smith

  1. Introduction to Applied Kinesiology, nutrition and metabolic causes

Dr. Joseph Shafer

  1. Kinesiological evaluation of joint receptors for a precise diagnosis of joint lesions
  2. The use of Applied Kinesiology and homeopathy to "unblock" the brain bundles

Dr. Maria Antonietta Fusco

  1. Applied Kinesiology: fine diagnostic tool in posturology

NEW: Also available in the new e-pub format. Click here for the Italian version

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